March 29, 2023

Frozen Lago Di Braies


hat to do when you arrive in this scenic photograph location, but almost all elements of the location is either covered in snow or frozen, first thing is to adjust the camera settings to shot in such bright and exposures location, then embrace it the experience.

At the photogenic Lago Di Braies, or, Pragser Wildsee, Lake Prags depending on your language, one of the main attractions in the Dolomites, the spot is very well know to photographes for the crystalline water with the dramatic mountain backdrop, the idyllic scenery for many photographers and creators.

During the winter season, when it’s -5 degrees and constantly snowing, the idyllic scenery converts into a wintery, frozen and dramatic scenery, and it’s gorgeous.

After spend some time researching where to photograph in the Dolomites, and have been impacted by several Lago Braies imagery with the crystal blue & green water, the ethereal drone footage of boats in the water in front of the dramatic mountain range, it was a positive shock to arrive at the lake when everything is frozen, there is no sign of the crystal lake, there are no boats props, and it’s impossible to photography the mountains reflections against the lake (apart from one river stream.

The sense of chock automatically turned into excitement, I could walk across the lake for hours creating new photography opportunities that I haven’t imagined, from hiking around the lake along the frozen paths, using the drone at night and morning registering the frozen lake, exploring frozen waterfalls, the experience was rewarding and mesmerising in terms of photography creation and on a personal level.

If you are into Drone photography, add this spot to your Dolomites itinerary, during the early morning or end of the day it’s possible to be almost alone in the lake, after the crowds left, the solitude adds extra element for the creation and the lake becomes a nice playground for aerial video and photography.

Sunset drone photography at the Lago Di Braies
Mountain river stream reflection around on the frozen Lago Di Braies
Mountain range view behind the Lago Di Braies
Mountain range behind the Lago Di Braies
Aerial Drone view of the Lago Di Braies
Lago Di Braies river stream going towards the lake
Back of the Lago Di Braies towards the forrest
The famous boat house, but frozen and full of snow
Aerial view of the river stream
The solitude adds extra element for the creation and the lake becomes a nice playground for aerial video and photography.

If you liked any of the photography in this story and would like to have photography print, please contact

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