May 30, 2024

NDSM Amsterdam Photography


he Netherlands Dock and Shipbuilding Company (NDSM), this old port area located in the Amsterdam Noord, where docks and old ship factories were located is now an emerging cultural hotspot.

This area hosts the largest flea market in Europe and the Straat Museum, which is a unique street art gallery displaying building-sized collections. It's also home to local creative businesses within the NDSM shipyard, concerts, bars, restaurants, a yellow submarine hotel, a crane hotel, and a massive boat hotel. There was once a war submarine docked here intended to be used as a nightclub, but this plan didn't succeed - - unfortunately.

The area also hosts an active graffiti artist community. On sunny days, these artists create new murals and art along the NDSM building and other spots around. Amongst these is the famous life-size Anne Frank mural by Eduardo Kobra, displayed at the Straat building called “Let me be myself”

Needless to say, the NSDM is a prime alternative photography and videography location in Amsterdam, it offers a unique composition style, blending the edgy aesthetics of old factories, street art, and modern elements, complemented by an eclectic and diverse population.

Some docks and old ship factories are succumbing to gentrification, as shown by new construction and high-rise developments. But, the unique spirit and essence of NDSM remain strong, seemingly prevailing over gentrification so far.

Photography and copy by Thomas Milton

NDSM Street Art Graffiti
Graffiti street art everywhere
NDSM Street Art Graffiti
Graffiti street art
NDSM Street Art Graffiti
Graffiti street art
NDSM Street Art Graffiti
Graffiti street art
NDSM Shipping Dock
NDSM shipyard entrance
NDSM Shipping Dock
Inside the NDSM shipyard
NDSM war submarine
The war/nightclub submarine
NDSM war submarine and Amsterdam view
The war.nightclub submarine
NDSM Anne Frank mural
Anne Frank mural by Cobra
NDSM Straat Museum
Straat Museum
NDSM Straat Museum
Street Museum
NDSM Straat Museum
Street Museum
NDSM Straat Museum
Street Museum
NDSM Straat Museum
Street Museum
NDSM Straat Museum
Street Museum
NDSM Straat Museum
Street Museum
NDSM street photography
Street Museum
NDSM yellow submarine hotel
The yellow submarine hotel
NDSM urban photography
NDSM urban spots
NDSM Crane Hotel
The Crane hotel
NDSM Crane Hotel
The Crane hotel
NDSM Botel
The Botel
Some docks and old ship factories are succumbing to gentrification, as shown by new construction and high-rise developments. But, the unique spirit and essence of NDSM remain strong, seemingly prevailing over gentrification so far.

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Photography and copy by Thomas Milton - All rights reserved

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